Section outline

    • Once all of the synthetic fact sheets have been informed, you can start composing the typology.

    • Vidéo :Didier Pillot presents the method and the results for the construction of the N'Kosy farmer typology.

      • First cases define the first categories
      • How to classify the marginal farms
      • Refining the types: typology is an iterative process
      • Typology process
      • Type 1: Preparing retirement farmers
      • A specific case
      • Type 2: Struggling for diversification farmers
      • Discriminating factors that come out of analysis
      • Type 3: Struggling for surviving farmers
      • Type 4: Extensive cattle breeders
      • Types 5 and 6: Businessmen farmers

    • Exercise: Classifying a farmer according to type. You previously composed a fact sheet for Emmanuel. Where would you classify him in the typology presented by Didier Pillot?

    • Reflection exercise (no solution): A questionable case. Watch the part of the interview, with this farmer, on farming practices. Then think about the following question: how should we treat this case in our study? (Should we ignore it? Develop it? Who can we question to find out more? etc.)

    • Bonus exercise: Classify the synthetic fact sheets provided according to Didier Pillot’s typology.

    • Vidéo :Why is it useful to understand the different types of farming in an area? Didier Pillot provides a few illustrations.